CCK's Friday News Round Up
Before the Coffee, Cake and Kink magazine, CCK kept a blog over on Wordpress. One of our regular posts was Friday News, in which our writers would collate links to stories or items that had interested them over the week, this one was 1st published 8th January 2011.
Wheee, the Friday News round-up likes to mix it up a little, so this edition is here on Saturday for your reading delight. With all of these links, they are not CCK content, and do not necessarily express the views of CCK (we just think they’re interesting). Content may not be suitable for under-18s, workplace viewing, or be particularly kinky.
On US passports, the terms 'mother' and 'father' are to be replaced with the gender-neutral 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2' [Kink On Tap].
Taraneh Ghajar Jerven reviews Burlesque for [The F-Word]
US Figure Skater Johnny Weir comes out [Radically Queer]. This video of Weir dancing to Poker Face never fails to make me smile:
Ed Note - sorry the video that was mentioned in the original article has been removed from You Tube
11 year old Aspen Drewitt-Barlow discusses growing up with two dads [The Mirror].
What is pansexuality? [SexGenderBody]
The extreme pornography laws are to be put to the test in a trial in Stafford [This Is Staffordshire].
Rug-making kits featuring stills from 1970s porn [Mr X-Stitch] - Ed Note - sadly no longer on their website!
The CCK tumblr wins.