Spotlight... Little Ember Candles
This spotlight is courtesy of Rae:
I was very lucky to be sent a JimmyJane Little Ember Candle by Santa over Christmas and I know its nearly easter but this weekend myself and The Chap were finally free to try it out.
After a hard day's work of DIY, room re-decorating and slaving over a meal for four, we were full of stress and knots. We lit a few candles to wind down, one of which was the JimmyJane in Truffle and Gardenia scent. I have never been a fan of scented candles in the past; as a former perfume shop employee I'm very sensitive to artificial scents, and find that most candles smell like cheap air freshener, but I was completely won over by the full and complex scent that came off the candle.
I couldn't wait to start drizzling! Luckily for us, it didn't take too long to melt to a usable amount of oil, before I knew it I had enough to start my massage.
As The Chap is a very sensitive English rose and doesn't like things to be too hot, I snuffed the flame a few seconds before I started pouring. He reported that it left the oil at a perfect warm temperature. As soon as I started to rub the oil in, the scent started to develop beautifully. I couldn't get enough of the smell!
The oil was of a perfect consistency too; suitably heavy, lasting long enough to really work the muscles but at the same time not leaving a surface residue on the skin. The perfect test? The morning after, our sheets were spotless! When it came to my turn to be massaged, we kept the flame on. The ceramic pot meant that pouring felt safe and secure, and it really did feel similar to more traditional wax play, just with a little more subtlety between pouring heights.
The best thing about the switch over? The fact that the fragrance had different upper notes on my skin. This meant that the perfume had been fully thought out to react differently to different pheromones. Gorgeous. I can fully recommend the Little Ember Candles; in fact, I have the full set on order now!
They are a perfect gift for every level of kink; yes they can be a fun substitute for wax play, but they also wouldn't look out of place on your Auntie's mantelpiece as they burn down just like regular candles. Also, they're great value for money. Even though we played with our individual candle for over an hour, we still have two-thirds of the hardened oil left to play with. There's no better way to learn about your own body yet alone that of your partners, so why not order yours today its an alternative to easter eggs!