First Kiss
A lesbian couple made history in Virginia Beach as they shared the first ‘first kiss’ in American military history. The touching scene took place at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek when American Navy troops arrived home from their service on the Oak Hill. The American armed forces lifted their ban on openly gay service in September 2011, so this was the very first time that this couple could display their affection in such a public manner.
For Marissa Gaeta and Citlalic Snell, this was the first time in two years that they could openly display their relationship, as both are fire controlmen in the US Navy, having met while they were roommates in their first training school. A strong American military tradition, the privilege of being the first to disembark and kiss a waiting partner is won via raffle. Gaeta said that she bought 50 tickets at $1 each to heighten her chance of winning; she suspects some of her division also bought tickets for her.
This is certainly the most perfect display of the good that lifting the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy has done; allowing many of the servicemen and women to be open and honest in their relationships. It is wonderful to see such progress being made, and we wish these two lovely ladies the very best!