Spotlight on...The Erotic Engine

Spotlight on...The Erotic Engine

There has always been an eternal desire to digitise the erotic experience. Be it via words, images or video, the next logical step is a more interactive experience that closes the gap between the content and the user, therefore removing the problem of a reality that fails to live up to our expectations.
From the intricacies of realistic rendering of the physical human form and their environments, to something as specialised as the infamous "Boob jiggle" physics, Pornography has been a driving force for the development of technology.
The Erotic Engine is a new book by Patchen Barss exploring the concept of taking sex beyond the real world, and into the virtual world. With the advent of computers there been have numerous attempts by bedroom/homebred coders, video-game developers and even the porn industry to tap into the "virtual sex" concept.
Other topics in the book go into subjects like Virtual Environments, comparing porn games to porn movies, user immersion, and the value and desire for the product. The writer also got to interview one of the leading porn stars in the world (now a successful business-woman) Jenna Jameson. She is in the unique position of having a virtual version of herself that has taken her place, and she now no longer performs in front of the camera herself.
Having said she was "done with porn forever" in August 2007, Jenna now has "Virtually Jenna" to fall back on. Virtually Jenna is a software/game that allows the user to play with a computer generated avatar of Jenna within a virtual environment. You can do whatever you want with her and make her wear whatever you want in an almost infinite number of choices and combinations, giving the user the experience they want.
Suffice to say, there's a lot of interesting topics in this book for those lovers of tech and porn!
The Erotic Engine is now available to buy from (extra shipping costs may be required if buying from outside the US)
We are hoping to get our copy soon, but in the meantime if anyone has read it, could they drop us a comment on what you thought of it? Your feedback is greatly appreciated!